July 26,2014

July 26,2014

Monday, January 23, 2006

Philippine 06 Chronicles #2

Dear Family & friends,
Acts 13:4 "So being sent out by the Holy Spirit..."
I feel so fortunate to have a church family and pastors who are willing
to stand behind me as I follow my heart's desire in foreign missions.
For as long as I can remember as a Christian I have gravitated toward
mission service.

After about 25hrs of airports and plane flights I arrived safely in
Manila late Thursday Jan. 12th to the smiling face of my friend
Pastor Danden Sales. The sounds and smells of this bustling
metropolis immediately brought back fond memories of 4 years
ago. We stayed the night at the "Shalom House", a Christian run
inexpensive hotel in the city. The next day another airport and
the short flight to Dumagette on the south end of Negros Oriental,
about an hour's drive to my home base for the next 3 months in
Bais City.

After a day of rest Danden put me right to "work." Sunday at 6am
preaching a Salvation message on the mission's radio show. After
which I gave the message at "Maranatha Full Gospel Church",
(the home church here in Bais). After lunch, we traveled to Tanjay,
the next city to the south, and I preached the afternoon service and
then returned for the evening service in Bais.
A busy first day of ministry.

We are in the end of the rainy season here and the middle of the sugar
cane and rice harvest. The mission here owns some rice fields, the
harvest of which had to spread out under the driveway canopy to dry
and then sent to milling. Just in time for a church leadership
conference sponsored by an Australian couple. Close to about 200
Pastors from Negros, Bohol, and as far as Davao, Mindanao are in
attendance. The rice will be used in support of the ministry here and
for the students and staff at the Bible School.

On the agenda for this next week will be; ministering in a High School
and local jail along with regular church ministry. Up coming projects
will be to add a water tank to the roof of the Mission House (only
"bucket baths" here) and put a tin roof on one of the churches in the
mountains. If you wish to help with these projects use the info in
previous post and let me know via email; rrutler@juno.com

I am excited and exhilarated to be here, to see God move and to be
used in the giftings and talents with which He has blessed me.
As always I ask for your continued prayers.

God's Best & Blessings to You. Love Russ

PS: To view additional information about Faith Island Missions and Pictures
please go to:http://www.destinychurch.ca/Faith%20Island%20Mission%20International/Faith%20Island%20Mission%20International.htm

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